For pet professionals
resources to improve your knowledge in the science of animal behaviour and training
Our Shared Goal
Improve behaviour and welfare of dogs and cats
Staying on top of the science of behaviour and training can be time consuming for pet professionals, and many of the resources can be hard to find and access.
Learn from a trusted resource who has education and experience as well as certifications to help you improve your knowledge and skills in dog and cat behaviour and training.
Using the science of behaviour and training helps to improve your methods, as well as client success and in turn the welfare of the dogs and cats we work with. Learn what is working well and getting the best results for other pet professionals, new emerging methods and techniques, as well as the founding research in the field.
Behaviory Blog
Want a more technical overview of behaviour and training topics with scientific references? Visit the Blog at The Behaviory to dig into the science.
Behaviory podcast
Like to learn on the go or rather listen to your behavior and training science? Listen to The Behaviory on your favourite podcast app.
Career and education consulting
Interested in a career in animal training or behaviour? Dr. Janet Cutler offers sessions to help with career planning (including education options, certification options, resources, etc) and information about dog training, behaviour consulting, and related fields. Inital 60 minute session is $250CAD.
Janet Cutler, PhD CAAB
Janet Cutler is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist (CAAB) and Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA). Her research and education has focused on animal behaviour, welfare and epidemiology.
the behaviory
With a podcast, blog posts, and updated information on new science, the Behaviory is the resource for any dog trainer, behaviour consultant, veterinarian, or other pet professional who is interested.