
A prenatal class for you and your dog

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New baby coming?

Are you worried about how your dog is going to handle the arrival of your new baby?

Has your dog been the ‘baby' of the family up until now, and you don't want them to feel left out, ignored and isolated, yet you want to make sure your new baby stays safe?

With Wags & Giggles, you'll have the comfort of knowing that you're preparing your dog for the arrival of your new baby, you have a plan in place for when your baby comes home, and you know that you can keep your dog engaged and happy while keeping your new baby safe.


What you get

  • 4 module online course, topics outline below
  • Worksheets with each audio module allow you to customize exercises to your own dog
  • Access to a private group where you can discuss problems, plans, and solutions with other students and your instructor

Peace of mind that you've helped to prepare your dog as much as possible to ease their transition into having a baby in your home, as well as getting set up to increase safety around your new baby.


  • How to create new house rules for safety
  • House management
  • Figure out how your schedules and routines may change once baby arrives and prepare your dog


  • Importance of self-control and manners around babies
  • Exercises to improve manners and self-control
  • How to determine if your dog has behavior problems you need to fix now


  • Getting your dog used to baby equipment
  • Getting your dog used to baby noises
  • Exercises to practice behavior around baby
  • Planning for birth day and what you can prepare for your dog
  • Introducing (or not introducing) your dog to baby
  • Mental and physical stimulation in the early postpartum weeks

Janet Cutler, PhD CAAB


Janet is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist and Certified Professional Dog Trainer. She has an MSc and PhD, both specializing in animal behaviour and welfare. She's been working in the animal industry for 20 years, as a veterinary technician, behaviour researcher, dog trainer, and behaviorist.

Janet is passionate about helping families and their pets. This includes making sure pets are prepared for the arrival of a new baby so that they have an easier adjustment to their new life, as well as ensuring that homes with young children are as safe and happy as they can be.

Janet spends her time at home with her family, including her three daughters aged 9, 7, and 2, husband, and two dogs.

“We are so grateful to Janet for helping us prepare Zephyr, our chocolate lab, for the arrival of our first baby. She provided us with a number of easy to institute tools and routines that we could practice before the baby came – desensitization to common baby noises, skills like sits and stays, and exercise/walk strategies. She also educated us about common risks with babies and dogs. Following Janet's plan gave us peace of mind that we were doing all we could to ensure that our ‘babies' would get along and be able to coexist safely.”


Have any questions about the course? Email jcutler@landmarkbehaviour.com